The Wake Up with...Cute Coffee
- Sabreen Naimah Wilkes and Bianka AlloyN BrunsoN are Cute Coffee, the favorite brew of West Marin and the surrounding Northern California towns. The two women are
kind, generous, fun, and make an incredible cup. They host two local radio
shows and DJ at the café’s they serve their coffee in. When we visited them at
their rambling and historic Inverness home they were in a constant state of
motion. Dancing to whatever Michael and his photo crew were playing in the
background while grinding and bagging coffee, labeling bags of their
production, uploading videos to their Instagram account, all the things that
small business owners handle on the daily, while hosting a crew of strangers in
their home and making us amazing coffee and pulling put snacks and telling
stories. A long-winded sentence to demonstrate the non-stop go-go-go and energy
of Cute Coffee. Check out their site if you’re not local and pick up some
coffee. Become an investor and help them reach their goal to buy a coffee truck
for pop ups!

What’s the first thing you do in the morning and the last thing you do at night before bed?
B: The morning routine currently consist of one of my two dogs waking me up between 6:45-7AM to go outside. I wipe both dogs clean with wipes as they come back in the house. Then I wash my hands to prepare coffee. Then I have coffee, stretch, and pray.
S: Pray! My morning prayer lately is something like “whew I made it! Here we go again! What’s on tap for today?! Can it be smooth please?!”
And at night before bed, I pray too giving thanks for all the blessings and praying for people, situations, and for miracles to take place!

Are there any bath, wellness or grooming products that you swear by?
B: Tee’s Butters, Galaxy Flower Lab, Natural Bliss, Zum Soaps 🧼💖
S: Jaden Moon Soaps & Three Sisters soap bars for their fragrances, Shea Butter for all over body moisture, Galaxy Flower Lab for Asia’s very intentionally crafted face serums and oils, SRC Botanicals for they’re Happy Healer all-purpose moisturizer helpful for people with sensitive skin like myself and 100% Pure for their cleansing products

How often do you deep clean your bathroom? And what are your favorite cleaning products? Anything specific to the shower?
S: I deep clean the bathroom once a month. I love Meyer’s multi-surface cleaner, the geranium scent!! I’ve used Cafiza (espresso machine cleaner) in the shower and in the toilet. It lifts and removes dirt a lot easier than some of the other cleaners out there!
B: Zum has wonderfully smelling products that we use to clean. We get in the nooks and crannies of the tiles with Bon Ami. If needed, we have a drill bit with brushes on the end to clean the tiles.

Do you use your bathroom for anything other than the usual things?
B: I tend to use the bathroom as a dance or music studio and for listening sessions.
S: I use the bathroom as my dance space. It turns into my CLUB or like I’m on stage with the cool neon lighting in there.

Favorite candle or bathroom scent?
B: Hmmmmmmm… that’s a tough one. There’s so many lovely smells and candles! Lavenders, Cedar, Sweet Pea, Ocean Fresh smells, Jasmine, Geranium, and all those pretty smells.
S: When it comes to candles I usually go for a woodsy, musky scent or super floral!! I’m not into the vanilla cupcake or butter pecan pie smelling candles.

The 2 most important Bathroom Questions: What kind of Deodorant and toilet paper do you use?
B: Current deodorant is Pit Puty by Bubble & Bee. Toilet paper we have delivered is by Plant Paper. 100% Bamboo, 3-Ply, & Septic Safe :).
S: I use Pit Putty, the lilac scent by Bubble & Bee for deodorant. I use tree-free, toxin-free toilet paper from Plant Paper. It is made of bamboo, 3 ply and septic safe and feels real good!

If you had a bajillion dollars, what would your bathroom look like?
S: A bajillion $$$- I’d probably want my dream bathroom to encompass a dance studio with full length mirrors. Lots of space for a tub, shower and toilet of course. Lighting features, maybe a rotating disco ball and gotta have a stellar sound system with good speakers in there! I’d never leave this bathroom!
B: Oh my God! My bathroom would be soooooo pimped out! Iridescent sparkly tiles everywhere! It would be like a walk-in closet where there was space for everything. A bathtub that would be like a hot tub that has a railing, jets, and rainbow lights. It would be full of super soft salt water that is oh so good for you skin. Then there would be another area where you could shower with shower heads on all sides of you. Even above your head. Then there would be an area to dry off that blows hot, warm, or cool air on you. There would also be an area for a wet and dry sauna. Also, totally down with what Sabreen said too! Gotta have mirrors and a pimped out sound system!

What are you most proud of in your bathroom. What do you always hide when people come over?
B: I am most proud of the filtered water attachments for the shower, tub, and sink. I don’t necessarily hide anything when people come over. I just make sure it’s presentable, there is tissue, and the hot water heater is on.
S: I like my artwork hanging in each of the bathrooms. It’s a good place for people to notice, observe and take your art in :) I’m usually always hiding or quickly removing hand washed underwear that’s just hanging around.